Choose AI for Sales Productivity

by Blogs, Productivity, Sales Management

A 1% Improvement Can Mean Millions

Sales productivity equals dollars. As a sales leader, you live in endless pursuit of faster, better results for yourself and your team. You see any task that doesn’t meaningfully contribute to a sale as having a negative effect on the bottom line.

Your organization may have spent years building up their tech stack with new applications that promised to address the issue from different angles, but often resulted in unintended costs—in implementation, training and even productivity.

In other words, they likely made the problem worse.

Choose AI for Sales Productivity

Lost Productivity is Expensive

According to the most recent stats available, sales professionals spend 35% of their time selling and 65% on everything else, but not selling. So, if a rep is paid $100,000 annually, that means $65,000/year of time spent on activities other than selling. And that’s not even considering overhead costs, which can easily double or triple the figure for an experienced enterprise sales executive.

Sales teams don’t need more time-hungry apps. They crave easy-to-implement tools that provide immediate productivity gains.

Looking for a Sales Productivity Solution

Given these stark facts, proactive sales leaders are constantly looking for new ways to build sales productivity, whether it’s through technology, tools, or training that increase sales efficiency (do it faster) or improve sales effectiveness (do it better).
After all, even a 1% improvement in sales efficiency or effectiveness can mean millions of dollars to the company.

Hidden Time Thieves

Many productivity and sales enablement apps have been promising big efficiency gains The question is, have they delivered? Just think of how many hours your company spent trying to get data in or out of your CRM to obtain an accurate pipeline. And the effort of getting the sales team to use each tool probably chewed up massive resources, even eclipsing the acquisition cost.

Tackling Time Wasters with AI

It’s obvious that sales teams don’t need more time-hungry apps. They crave easy-to-implement tools that provide immediate productivity gains.
If administrative tasks take about a third of a sales professional’s time, that is a great place to start.

AI Builds Efficiency

TRAQ captures, analyzes and reports on selling interactions, resulting in a substantial amount of time saved—and a more accurate capture of each meeting or call. Reps can easily gain 1 to 2 hours of precious selling time daily, instead of wasting it in data entry (i.e., creating, highlighting and retrieving notes).

AI is Intelligence for Users

TRAQ is a tool that actually makes your life easier. Adoption is a few easy clicks and with artificial intelligence operating in the background, you and your team can tap its power in minutes.

AI to Increase Accuracy

There are countless subtle insights buried in each sales conversation, and it’s virtually impossible to capture all of them consistently.
That’s what TRAQ does. Our AI uncovers needs, opportunities and risks to unveil each buyer’s expectations fully so reps can address them and build trust quickly.

AI to Win More

When you analyze all the unfiltered sales conversations to identify the correct selling process, you can create effective strategies that lead to more wins. You also get instant access to “real-life” content to build your sales training and personalize your coaching efforts.
These capabilities exponentially improve sales decisions over time, contributing to a real 20% to 30% gain in quota attainment.


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How Much Efficiency Can YOU Gain?

To estimate your productivity gains with AI, ask yourself just five questions. How many hours per week does your team spend on:

  1. Preparing and entering sales call notes?
  2. Highlighting important buyer interests and tasks for follow-up?
  3. Identifying risks, opportunities and intelligence gained during selling conversations?
  4. Consolidating what has been learned during various selling conversations into a quantified analysis of sales progress for an opportunity?
  5. Sharing reports on any of the topics above with other sales team members or management to help provide a complete, factual understanding of the opportunity?

Your tally shows the potential time savings. Every hour earned back can increase the current 20% to 35% sliver of selling time … currently just 10 to 17.5 hours per rep in a 50-hour week. And more effort spent on sales usually leads to more sales!

How Much More Effective Can YOU Be?

Improved effectiveness is an even more important facet of increased productivity because it relates to how sales are pursued, won, and lost.
TRAQ gives you visibility into the buyer perspective and selling conversation, and artificial intelligence validates, quantifies and even predicts the most effective sales process.

Immediate Results that Keep Getting Better

AI grows with you. Machine learning extracts the meaning from each conversation and keeps improving (learning) over time, perfecting its analytics and leading to accelerating value for the sales team and management.

Join Us in The Future of Sales

The capabilities of AI for sales are unfolding very rapidly so it’s a question of when, not if, the use of Artificial Intelligence tools will surpass conventional sales enablement apps. Early adopters are already getting a head start on this new frontier of sales productivity. After all, the benefits are obvious and easily demonstrated.

The next wave of sales leadership will be fueled by those fluent in applying AI to drive superior performance. Just one percent better could mean millions to your company.

We invite you to request a TRAQ demonstration today to see for yourself how 1% can mean millions.


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